Just Don't Fade Away.
The day I saw you and the moment our eyes met,
I recalled everything even if they were meant to forget.
When you walk away from me,
The snow had just turned black as it shouldn’t be.
When I am in large group of people,
With an occasional steeple,
I unconsciously always look for you, my dear
But unfortunately you never appear.
When I found you with him,
My eyes avoided you and went to swim.
Increased in heart beat,
Made me think about losing, the defeat.
Though we’re not meant for each other,
I think we are meant to be together.
I always look forward to be us,
Even if it is in city bus.
‘You care for everyone!’ that’s what I heard,
But for the people you know differed.
I feel that you care me the most
Such that you’d save me from ghost.
The time had come to an end,
Such that I couldn’t extend.
No matter how far we are,
I promise, you’ll be under my care.